The Power of Positive Affirmations
An Affirmation Is…
An affirmation is simply a statement, directed towards yourself, confirming that what you want to happen is happening. Daily affirmations are a powerful tool for a self-empowered and fulfilled life. Daily affirmations directly affect your conscious and subconscious mind, thereby helping you transform negative belief systems into positive ones, build self confidence and self esteem, sharpen your mental skills and get control. Define and channel positive intentions toward any area of your life that you want to improve, whether it’s your health, work, relationships, or a financial situation.
How To State Affirmations
You must state your affirmations in the present tense so that your mind knows that what you want to achieve is already happening: instead of saying, “I would like to have,” say, “I have now”. Your affirmations must also use positive words: if you say, “I will not suffer in the gym today,” your mind will register the word suffer and do it’s best to create situations of suffering. Instead you can say, “I am strong and capable of a kick-ass workout today.” By practicing these affirmations regularly, you will create a climate ripe for the development of positive outcomes.
Why They Matter
The mind body connection is incredibly powerful and ongoing, whether we realize it or not. Remember, the mind acts and the body reacts, so all change that we want to see in the physical world must first happen in the mind!