Anti-Inflammatory Foods
“As October is Cancer Awareness Month, I thought it fitting to share information on anti-inflammatory foods given the link between diet and disease. Below you will find several simple ways to improve your diet and your health.”
Hormone Balancing Foods
If you have been experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, such as chronic pain, trouble sleeping, appetite changes, and weight gain, you might be wondering what treatment options are available. Before looking at medical intervention, you can start with daily, healthy habits. This includes switching up your diet. Here are some foods that can actually help a lot with hormonal imbalance.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You have likely heard of people talking about apple cider vinegar recently and discussing the many health benefits of it. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has many health benefits for you, even aside from helping with your hormonal imbalance. It can lower your cholesterol, help with your blood sugar levels, and even aid in your weight loss efforts. ACV is also amazing for your digestion and fatty liver. Since apple cider vinegar is fermented, it is amazing for your gut bacteria, which in turn can help balance those hormones. Add a little ACV to your water each morning, and you’re good to go.
Leafy Greens
You have heard it many times before, and you’re going to hear it again – you need to eat your vegetables! Specifically, those leafy greens like kale, collard greens, lettuce, spinach, and many others. Leafy greens are known as superfoods, since they often have a very high amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and so many more nutrients. They can help to cleanse your liver as well, which is an amazing way to start balancing your hormone levels. Even if you aren’t a big fan of these types of greens, there are ways to add them to your diet without much effort. You can make a mixed green salad with your favorite lettuce, then add in some kale or spinach to it. You can make an egg scramble with spinach or add a handful of greens to a smoothie. It’s even a great way to get the kids to eat their greens!
Healthy Fats
More healthy fats in your diet can also help to balance out those hormone levels and help with cleansing your liver. Think about fats like avocado, olive oil, coconut oil and MCT oil, nuts and seeds, and grass-fed butter. These are the food sources of fats, in addition to fatty fish like salmon and mackerel.
Reduced Sugar and Carbs
People who go on specific diets that lower their carbohydrate intake, like Paleo and Keto, often find that their hormones are suddenly balanced and they have lower inflammation. Why? Because they are lowering the refined carbs and added sugars in their diet. These can cause a lot of inflammation, throw your hormone levels off, and add to obesity. You can still have naturally-occurring sugar like in fruits and other natural foods, but be careful about foods that add sugar, like pasta sauce, bacon, and deli meats
Lemon water and other infused waters are the best natural drinks for hormone balance. They improve your skin, control your appetite, regulate your blood sugar levels, and boost your overall immunity. A good rule of thumb is half of your weight in oz and for moderate to active individuals one ounce per 1 pound of your weight.
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