Improving Your Gut Health
I’ve had digestive issues most of my youth life and I know what that’s like— bloating, irregular bowel movements, sleepless nights, and embarrassing moments in gatherings, and office work. Getting your gut back on track can be a significant challenge! There are so many different probiotics, exercise routines, and supplements you can add to your life that will help, but some tried and proper remedies are cultured foods.
Cultured foods are packed with probiotics and nutrients and are easy and cheap to access! Kimchi is an excellent source of cultured foods along with preserved lemons, preserved carrots, and pickles. One of the critical benefits of cultured foods is that they're often low-calorie and a massive boost to your diet and lifestyle!
A common source of cultured foods is yogurt and has been used for centuries by people groups to help regulate their gut health! Coconut water and kombucha are easy-to-grab and go options for getting a bit more culture in your day!
However, you choose to consume cultured foods, getting more into your daily routine is a key to a balanced gut. Gentle stretches, long walks, and low impact exercises such as yin and restorative yoga weekly are some of the mindful practices for gut health. Join us at Afsi Health for tips, tricks, and lifestyle changes that can get your body, gut, and hormones back into balance!
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