Express Gratitude All Season Long
In November, what comes to mind is Thanksgiving, Veterans Day, preparing for winter, longer dark days, bare trees, It is the time of the year that we are wrapped in gratitude. Being more grateful for things in your life is also a wonderful way to practice self-care in the fall. This is so much more beneficial for your health and wellness than you might think. It will help you exude positivity, help others feel good about themselves, and help you understand all the amazing things in your life to be grateful for. Taking time for reflective moments of gratitude can help you maintain perspective as you move through challenging situations. Appreciation and thankfulness often fosters positive feelings, and positive feelings contribute to individual well-being. In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.
Christiane Northrup, an internationally recognized author and speaker, said on practicing gratitude, “Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life, actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value in your life.” Similar to the saying, “What goes around comes around,” It’s the law of attraction as described in the documentary film “The Secret”, I highly recommend it.
Write a Letter
In an age when we are all so busy, and the majority of our communication happens via email, there's something special about receiving a note in your mailbox from somebody. A handwritten letter is a personalized way to connect with someone. Write a note to let someone know you are thankful for them.
Use Your Journal
The first way you can express gratitude during the fall season is by writing about it in your journal. This is a really simple method, since you are likely using your journal every day already. It can be as simple as a sentence or two in your daily journal entry about what you are grateful for, or you can have a goal of 3-5 things each day you want to be thankful for.
Another option is to start a gratitude journal, where the entire journal is used exclusively for that purpose.
Use Your Planner
Not a fan of journaling? Why not use your daily planner. If you have a daily planner that helps keep track of your schedule, goals, and to-do lists, this is another simple play to practice gratitude each day. Typically, it works great in a daily entry, or each day in the weekly portion. If there are areas for extra notes, just write down at least one thing you feel grateful for each day, and it will allow you to be a lot more positive and thankful for the good in your life, as opposed to dwelling on the negative.
Try Gratitude Mantras
Another option is to write down some mantras for the use of gratitude, and say them to yourself each day. This is a great way to feel more positive inside and out, and really exude that throughout the day. You can write them on sticky notes and put them on the mirror in your bathroom, write them in your journal, or keep a notebook with you to read them out loud whenever you feel you need the reminder.
Tell Someone in Person
Do you feel gratitude toward someone who has been a good influence in your life, or who you look up to? Tell them! There is no better way to express gratitude about a person than to tell them directly. It is a wonderful confidence boost for them, and really just helps to spread the positivity around.
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